Automated behavioural studies on larval zebrafish, Drosophila and Daphnia
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The fully integrated Zantiks units enable reproducible protocols such as the 5-choice serial reaction time task, a training stage from which is illustrated in this video. With an isolated chamber and built-in stimuli the environment is replicated exactly for each adult zebrafish studied.
06 July 2020
A new study on bioRxiv suggests that working memory and exploration-search strategy changes are both impaired in aged zebrafish. Acute exposure to a selective dopamine D1/D5 receptor partial agonist, enhanced working memory in aging, but had no detectable effect on behavioural flexibility.
20 April 2020
A new temperature control unit is being shipped with both the MWP_vb and the MWP_sc.
06 April 2020
A new optogenetic module is available for both the MWP_vb and the MWP_sc!